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Women's History Month 2024 - Shanna Cole

Can you share an experience where a company or mentor made a significant investment in your development?

I’ve told the story many times of how 10 years ago, I took the risk of moving my family halfway across the country to work in the Florida Agency office of Fidelity National Financial. And, while it certainly is true that moving that far with two elementary school-aged children when I hardly knew anyone in Orlando was risky for me, the fact remains that my office took a risk on me. The part of this story that I don’t often tell is that after working at Fidelity’s Maitland office for over a year, for family reasons, I took another job and returned to Nebraska for a brief period. It wasn’t long before I realized my mistake and frankly, I will be forever grateful to John Obzud, Rob Cohen and especially Mary Pat Dunleavy for welcoming me back. They didn’t have to give me my position back, but they chose to make a significant investment in my career by offering it to me.

Not only did they offer me my job back, but they also made a significant investment in my professional development by giving me the opportunity to be a part of CREW. Quite frankly, I have never felt more supported, and I wasn’t going to waste the opportunity. I jumped back into CREW, became actively involved in committees and then joined the board. In 2023, it was my honor to serve as the CREW Orlando president.

During my presidency, Fidelity’s support of me could not have been more evident. In addition to allowing me the time it takes to adequately run a chapter of this size, Fidelity quickly said “yes” to becoming the first and highest-level sponsor at the Champion level. They also took the Title Sponsorship for Celebration of Champions and while Mary Pat certainly has many other obligations that create time constraints, she was more than happy to take the time to teach others about leadership through our inaugural year of the Leading Ladies series. Mary Pat and Fidelity’s support of me has truly made a significant difference in my career and professional development.

In what specific ways did this investment contribute to your professional growth and development?

Being a part of the CREW Orlando board has taught me skills I didn’t know I needed (like learning to edit video) and skills I knew I needed, such as being a more effective communicator. It has also taught me the importance of having the right people on a team and setting clearly defined, reachable goals that when met, can be celebrated.

Have you ever paid forward the investment you received by mentoring others or advocating for similar opportunities within your organization?

Yes! I am currently a mentor in CREW Orlando’s mentorship program for the Future Leaders. I am passionate about seeing younger women feel empowered to take the next steps in their careers and I’m excited to be a part of this program.

How do you think your career trajectory would have been different if you hadn’t received this investment?

Truthfully, without Fidelity and Mary Pat’s support, it’s unlikely I would be living in Florida and my career trajectory may have been stunted by a lack of opportunity. Fortunately, Mary Pat recognized my ambition, determination, and hard-work ethic. She gave me not only the opportunity to thrive in my career, but also the leeway and support I needed to become the President of this chapter. I truly could not have done it without her.

Looking back, what advice would you give others who are seeking similar support or investment in their own careers?

1) Find a sponsor. A sponsor is someone in your company (or in the company you want to be in) who advocates for and supports you. They help you reach your goals. Mary Pat has been that person for me, and I would not be where I am without her support.

2) Find a mentor. A mentor is slightly different and may not be in the same company as you but will likely be someone in your field. A mentor will help you strategize career moves and professional development, and they can often help you clarify your personal vision for your career.

3) Clarify your vision for your career and set SMART goals to achieve it.

4) Take smart, calculated risks.

5) Admit when you’ve made a mistake but look at the mistake as an opportunity for growth. Don’t beat yourself up over it.

6) Get involved! Nothing exciting ever happens sitting on your couch!